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マイクロソフトをフォローする Facebook Twitter. Hi Sven, Could you please take following steps to troubleshoot the issue? Open the Registry Editor. In the left pane, locate and then click the following registry subkey:. In the right pane, ensure value of AllowRemoteRPC key is 1.

If not, please change it to 1. Quit Registry Editor and Reboot the computer. Run MSG command in a elevated CMD window. Hope it helps.

Please let me first describe about my expierences with msg. That means, that user administrator domain can send messages to any user domain on any host with the command:. and user halodrio domain can send messages with the same command to all users hallodrio domain on any host regardless the group membership of halodrio. But if the user hallodrio domain is in the administrator group of the target host the message appears correct!

This works really only if hallodrio domain is in the adminstrator group it does not work neither hallodrio is in the Remote Desktop User group nor in the Power User group. User hallodrio domain has to be in the Administrator group on the target host to be possible sending a message to any user domain on the target host! So I hope anybody in this forum knows which permissions are exactly required on the target host for receiving a message with msg.

Then it should be easy to give these permissions the users from whom are wanted to receive messages without giving them administrator rights. we have over windows 7 ent stations, i was wondering if there is a way of sending a message using msg. exe from a server to users of a specific group?

This command used to send a message to the entire domain computers. local” and the results was just one msg on the dc screen. Having same issues as Black Spider. Am i missing a step for Home group messaging? should the Severname be my homegroup, or the target pc? Did you find a solution for your problem? I have exactly the same and I tried to modify DCOM security without success.

I found that if I used the IP it would get sent. I tried adding a period to the end of. com and it sent. After applying the fix on registry, msg works fine from win7 to win10, but not from win7 to win7. I double checked the registry. The value is turned to 1. Machine is rebooted. Same error: Error 5 getting session names. TechNet 製品 技術情報 ダウンロード トレーニング サポート 製品 Windows Windows Server System Center Microsoft Edge. Office Office Exchange Server.

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This should be the first. This Java program creates a database and allows the user to search for a shape and save it into this database. As soon as the user enters the characteristics of a shape, a prototype of this shape is generated. Sony Vegas Pro 9. Great for editing on old computers, or getting a relatively recent taste of what modern editing software that isn’t Windows Movie Maker can do for you. Addeddate